Pet Lovers Who Love US

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Want The Top Bunk

SnowPea behaving while Masters were sewing like crazy

Milita and JuneBug are truly buddies....


  1. Wow I guess all the babies like to be high up! They definitely found their designated spots and it doesn't look like any of them felt like moving after claiming it! Can't wait to see more cute pictures like these in 2012!


    All4UrPet Representative

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  2. Hi I just stopped by to check out your blog & was sad to see you haven't blogged for awhile. It would be great to see more of your adventures.

    Nubbin wiggles,


About Me

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madison, south dakota, United States
We are pets that travel with our Masters that go by the names Jorge and Evielynne. We are a male cat (JuneBug) a female dog (Milita) and a female dog (SnowPea)