Pet Lovers Who Love US

Monday, August 22, 2011

Woof Woof Approved and Meow Meow Approved!!

Milita, JuneBug and SnowPea all love children and we want to help pass on the word about helping children. We where saved by our wonderful Masters and well without agencies that cater to our lives both us kids and pets would have NO ONE and that is just not right. So help by reading the article and twitter or facebook but by all means do fan their Facebook to show your support - we did 3 times.!/pages/Youth-Equipped-for-Success-YES/182827895105073?sk=wall

These kids one day will want pets like us and if we can't help them then we have no right to good homes... We want love and we give love!!

Woof Woof Approved and Meow Meow Approved!!

Adventures on the Road: Youth Equipped for Success Y.E.S.: Youth Equipped for Success Juvenile Support Program Crystal Owens, LMSW- Project Director 5864 West Maine Street PO Box 1162 Sp...

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About Me

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madison, south dakota, United States
We are pets that travel with our Masters that go by the names Jorge and Evielynne. We are a male cat (JuneBug) a female dog (Milita) and a female dog (SnowPea)