Pet Lovers Who Love US

Monday, August 29, 2011

Masters want Our Support

Hello. Not much to report. They said it was going to cool off today but it sure did not feel like it. We sleep and do much of nothing for another day and then it's hiking day. We can't hike unless our Masters have the day off and no day off till Wednesday. So we are woof woof excited... We are going to start helping our Masters out by adding a store signature on our articles. This is the main way they support us and we need to show our support to them. After all; playing, feeding, watering, walking (lots of it) loving and all those extras came to us with no price asked it's the least we can do in return. So check out their store and they do make pet supplies - all you have to do is ask for a custom order and they will work with you....

Our Master supports our way of living... Check out their Store....

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About Me

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madison, south dakota, United States
We are pets that travel with our Masters that go by the names Jorge and Evielynne. We are a male cat (JuneBug) a female dog (Milita) and a female dog (SnowPea)